Judges will be in teams of two or three people.
Interview Length: 8 to 10 minutes - Keep the same for each participant.
Judges conduct interviews. The participants will not have a presentation prepared.
Ask questions based on your initial review of research display boards.
Sample Questions (https://cusef.byu.edu/judges/possible-judge-questions/)
Explain your project.
What was your question/problem?
What was your hypothesis?
What was your control?
What was your variable(s)?
How did you test your hypothesis?
What were the results of your tests?
How did others help you with your project?
What is your conclusion?
Could you have come up with another conclusion?
Did you run into any problems?
How would you do your project differently if you did it again?
What are your unanswered questions?
What did you learn from your project?
Did you have fun doing your project?
Would you like to continue your project in the future?
If you do continue with your project, how would you proceed?
How did you come up with your idea?
How does your project relate to other research?
Does your project have practical applications?
Why did you choose to do a science fair project?
How much time did you spend on your experiments?
LVSF does not use a rubric to determine winners.
After interviews, you will caucus with your team of judges to determine winners.
Each judged category and grade must have a single first place winner. No ties!
One second place winner for second and third place as well.
You may award multiple Honorable Mentions. This is encouraged for larger categories.
Judge the project compared to the other projects in the grade and category, not to an outside standard.
If you see a project that’s “been done before,” remember, not for them.
Use your interview questions to clear up any doubts if you do not believe the work is the participant’s own.
Judge this year’s work only for Continuation Projects.
Each member of a Team Project should have a key role in the work.
They should be able to articulate what they did and be familiar with the work of the others.
Participants may be nervous!
This could be the first time participants have ever been interviewed by adults they have never met.
You can provide feedback and offer suggestions for the next time they participate.
When interviews are complete return to the judge’s area to caucus.
Once your group has completed the results sheet submit it to Jill at the head table in the judging area